An Indelible Mark

Created by kimmi joy quinn 10 years ago
When I met my boyfriend, Vince Colvin, he immediately wanted to introduce me to his friends. I was painfully intimidated and feared that I wouldn't fit in. I vividly remember having palpable anxiety the first time I walked into Eric and Kristin's home for the first time. There were a lot of people and I had no idea how to make friends there. Right about the time I was considering faking a nosebleed to leave an incredibly tall, sandy blonde man introduced himself to me. I remember the way he leaned in over me (I'm just 5'1") creating a friendly but intimate space between us. Eric made a point of asking questions about me and relating them to his own interests. And then came the lecture that truly endeared him to me for good. He told me what a good man Vince was and how much he was loved by his friends. In the subtext I read that I should treat Vince right, his friend wanted me to know he deserved it. Eric was a good man. He loved his friends and was loved by them because he had a sweet character, boisterous laugh, and excellent sense of humor. My life is better for having known him. I can't think of any better legacy to leave than an indelible mark on the hearts of the people who loved you and were loved by you.